Sunday, March 13, 2011

1. Most of the diseases take their origin in over-eating, sexual excess and outbursts of anger
and hatred. If the mind is kept cool and calm at all times, you will have wonderful health, strength
and vitality. Energy is depleted by fits of anger. The cells and tissues are filled with morbid,
poisonous materials, when one loses his temper and entertains deep hatred. Various sorts of
physical ailments crop up. The blood becomes hot and thin and consequently night pollution
results. Various kinds of nervous diseases are attributable to excessive loss of the seminal energy
and frequent fits of explosive anger or wrath.
2. Let any disease remain in your body. Do not bother too much. Do not fret and fume.
Develop the powers of endurance and resistance. Strengthen your body, mind and nerves. Take
plenty of open-air exercises, substantial nutritious food, medicated oil bath and plenty of rest. Have
mental and physical recreation. Lead a well-regulated life. Be moderate in food, drink and
enjoyments. Lead a spiritual life. All diseases will leave your body by themselves. All microbes
will die, when your vitality, vigour and strength are at a flood tide. This is the secret of health and
3. Do not be carried away by the pompous advertisements made by quacks and charlatans.
Lead a simple natural life. You will become all right soon. Do not spend any money in purchasing
the so-called patent medicines and specifics. They are worthless. Quacks try to exploit the
credulous and the ignorant. Beware. Do not go to the doctors very often. Endeavour to qualify
yourself as your own doctor. Understand the laws of nature and the principles of hygiene and
health. Do not trespass against the laws of health.
4. Bask in the sun. Expose your body to the rays of the sun for a short time daily. This is
heliotherapy or sun-treatment. Sun is the source of energy and power. You will derive energy and
power from the sun.
5. Soak 12 almonds at night. Remove the skin and take the almonds with some sugarcandy
in the early morning. Or you can make a refreshing beverage by grinding these almonds with a little
black pepper and sugarcandy. This is called ‘thandai’ by the Punjabis. This is a fine, cooling and
strength-giving tonic.
6. Rest in bed is necessary. Adjust your diet. Take simple, wholesome, easily digestible,
bland and non-irritating food. Give up hot, pungent curries, chutneys and chilliest Rest the stomach
and the small bowels by taking recourse to partial fasts. If you can fast for a whole day, it is all the
better. Fasting eliminates poisons and overhauls the system thoroughly. You can take sago and milk
barley water and fruits like sweet oranges, grapes, etc. If you are thirsty, you can take lemon or
orange juice with sugarcandy.
7. Observe Brahmacharya. Get up at 4 a.m. and practice Japa of ‘Hari Om’ or any other
Mantra and also meditation for one hour. The Name of the Lord is the best medicine or tonic in the
world. You should have intense faith in the power of the Names of the Lord. Incurable diseases are
cured by Japa or singing Hari’s Name. Meditation creates new, healthy vibrations in all the cells of
the body and removes any kind of disease. All the tissues are bathed in the nectar that flows during
meditation. All germs that cause diseases are destroyed. The rationale of this kind of Yogic or
spiritual treatment is yet unknown to the medical profession.
8. Why do you unnecessarily introduce foreign drugs into the system? Resort to Nature
Cure and Yogic Chikitsa. Practise regularly Pranayama, breathing exercises, Asanas, concentration
and meditation. This is the ideal treatment. Do not think too much of the disease and too much of the
body. Too much thinking of the disease will intensify the malady. Keep the mind fully occupied in
some way or the other. This is very important. Take away the mind from the body and think of the
diseaseless Atma or Soul within, the bed-rock or substratum for the body and mind. Friend,
cultivate this kind of Atma-chintana and attain the Anamayapada or the Painless State Param
Dhama or Immortal Brahman. Cheer yourself up. Have a cheerful countenance always. Meditate on
Om. Think of Om. Sing Om. Om is thy real name. Om is the best tonic, specific or sheet anchor,
panacea or cure-all, ‘pick-me-up’ or sovereign remedy for all diseases. Smile and laugh. Thou art
bodiless, undying Soul. Never, never forget this.
9. May God bless you with perfect health, high standard of vigour, strength, vitality and
longevity. May you prosper gloriously! Om Santi!
2. Essence of Sadhana
1. Get up at 4 a.m. daily. This is Brahmamuhurta which is extremely favourable for

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